The Procurement Act: Your Questions Answered

In this session, we will answer frequently asked questions and discuss the ‘Hot Topics’ we know are important to you.
Register now: Wednesday,  26 March 2025, 1 – 2pm

Tender Alert Subscriptions

Frequently asked questions

You can subscribe to Tenders Direct by either selecting a pricing package from the pricing options above, or by contacting our Sales Team on 0800 222 9009. We have three standard packages (Basic, Core & Premium), each giving you access to a different selection of features. You can also request bespoke packages based on your unique business requirements.

Yes, your data is completely safe with Tenders Direct.

Tenders Direct is part of Proactis Tenders Limited, which is certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). This means Proactis Tenders Limited has implemented a systematic and proactive approach to managing the security of its information assets, including the data of its customers and partners. An ISMS is based on three principles – confidentiality, integrity and availability of information:

  • Confidentiality means only authorised users have access to sensitive information.
  • Integrity means information is accurate and complete.
  • Availability means information is accessible when needed.

By following the requirements and best practices of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, Proactis Tenders Limited demonstrates its commitment to protecting the data of Tenders Direct users from unauthorised access, use, disclosure, modification or loss.

Finding the right public sector contracts is difficult, and missing perfect opportunities is all too easy.

Public contract notices are published in numerous locations by thousands of different buyers. Tender notices can be found on government databases, websites of individual organisations and purchasing consortia, trade journals and even newspapers. In the UK alone, there are literally hundreds of sources.

Tenders Direct saves you time, and offers you peace of mind, by guaranteeing you will never miss out on suitable contracts. Instead of trawling through long lists of notices from multiple sources to find the ones you want to bid for, you can focus on other tasks while we send the most relevant contracts straight to your inbox.

All of our subscriptions include personalised tender alerts from the UK’s most accurate tender alert service, the use of our bid management tool, and full access to our tender database – with over 7 years of contracts and awards from the UK and EU.

We would be happy to discuss all our features and can show you how they work with a quick demo. If you would like to try the features for yourself, we can also give you temporary access to our platform with a trial account.

Our team can be reached on 0800 222 9009, alternatively, you can leave a message by completing our contact form, and we’ll arrange a call at a time that suits you.

Tenders Direct subscriptions and services can be paid for using debit cards, credit cards and bank transfers.

Your dedicated Account Manager will provide all the advice you need to use the service effectively and share their knowledge about public sector tendering. We also have a range of ‘How to’ videos detailing how each of our features and services works.

To help you secure more work with the public sector, we host regular free webinars and have a wide range of resources you can use to develop your knowledge. We also run training courses every month to help equip bid writers with the skills needed to tender more efficiently and effectively. As a subscriber, you also receive a 10% discount on our standard training courses.

Yes, we offer both free guided demos of our features and free trial subscriptions. You can call our team on 0800 222 9009, or can use the following links, to arrange either of these.

We do offer customer support. We have a Customer Support Team available 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, to assist our customers. All subscribers have a dedicated Account Manager who will be your first point of contact for all enquires.

Please follow the hyperlink to view Tenders Direct’s subscription terms & conditions.

Tender Alert Emails

Prompt notification of tenders ensures you have more time to craft winning bids

Receive personalised alerts for public sector contracts

We will search every procurement portal, review opportunities for your business, and send you alerts for any tenders matching your specifications. ​

Tenders Direct provides you with access to:
⬩ The UK's most accurate tender alert service
⬩ Every High and Low-value tender in the UK and Ireland
⬩ EU contracts, with full coverage of OJEU tenders

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Advance Tender Alerts

We can help you to plan and write winning tenders

Learn about contract renewals before they get announced

We keep records of contracts with renewal options, and will send you alerts whenever relevant opportunities approach their renewal date.

Our Advance Tender Alerts offer you:
⬩ Up to 18 months advance notice of tender renewals
⬩ Full coverage of all contracts in the UK and Ireland
⬩ Accurate renewal estimations based on contract end dates

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Searchable contract database

Improve your tendering capabilities with our free guides and resources

We give you access to EVERY tender in our searchable database.​

​We have details of every tender published in the UK, Republic of Ireland and OJEU in our database. With over 7 years of historical notices, your subscription gives you access to valuable intelligence, helping you to better understand the market and improve the quality of your bids.

Learn about your markets

Use expired and live notices to build a picture of industry standards and expectations.

Filter results

Refine your search results by filtering them by value, location, authority, keyword and range of other criteria.

Search for historic opportunities​

There are many live opportunities that will have been published before your subscription starts.

Explore new markets​

View demand for products or services that you do not currently offer.

Saved Searches​

Save different filter configurations allowing you to effortlessly change the scope of your search results.

The UK’s most accurate database

Every notice from the UK and Ireland are reviewed by our team, and assigned accurate keywords to make your searches effortless.

Over 7 years of data​

You can view Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS), which can remain open to new suppliers for several years, as well as expired notices and contract awards from the last 7 years.

Competitor Tracker

Tenders Direct's Knowledge Hub - your source of tendering tips, guides and news

Learn about the opportunities your competitors are targeting​

​We capture every contract award notice published in the UK, Republic of Ireland and OJEU, and have over 7 years of award details in our database. From these notices, we can see which businesses have won contracts and through Competitor Tracker – you can run reports and monitor your competition.

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View award history for any business​

Use our competitor search tool to bring up records for every public sector contract that company has won in the last 7 years.

Learn about your competitors’ capabilities​

With links to both the contract notice and award, you can review the requirements and discover what products and services your competitors are offering.

Get notified of new awards​

Set-up alerts for any business, and receive notifications whenever they are announced as contract winners.

We have every award notice​

We have details of every award notice published, this includes Low-value award notices in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Build a picture of the market​

Use award details to analyse the market, identify key competitors, and develop strategies.

Over 7 years worth of data​

Our database of awards goes back to 2016, allowing you to do in-depth analysis of your competitors.

Unlimited tracking​

Track an unlimited number of companies across any sector and view their awards over the last 7 years.

Freedom of Information Request Tool

Everything you need to find and win public sector contracts can be found on Tenders Direct

How can FOI requests help my tendering?

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA), you have the right to request access to any information recorded by a public body - this includes information about procurement contracts and awards.

We recommend first engaging in dialogue with contracting authorities to request information, however, there are some instances where formally making an FOI request would be beneficial.

Learn more

Submit FOIs with the click of a button

If there is not enough information available for a completed procurement, you can use the FOI request button to generate an information request.

Pre-populated FOI requests

We provide you with a list of the most common FOI requests, which you can easily edit to help you access the information you are looking for.

Available on all historical notices

This feature is available on all expired notices, Advance Tender Alerts, and contract award notices.

Save time and effort

This feature eliminates your need to find the appropriate contact within the contracting authority, and guarantees the request is submitted through the correct channels.

Integrate (API)

Tenders Direct can teach you how to improve your tendering capabilities

Tenders Direct can be linked with any of the following applications:

- Salesforce​
- HubSpot​
- Zapier​
- Microsoft Teams​
- Slack

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Export tenders with the click of a button

Save time by exporting tender details, individually or in batches, to your chosen applications.

Develop more efficient tendering processes

Use Integrate to support decision making, task allocation and monitoring tendering activity.

Customisable export data

You can choose what information is exported from Tenders Direct, mapping exports to meet your unique preferences.

More Integrations to come

We are working on future Integration options, expanding the number of applications you can export data to.

Saved Searches & Targeted Alerts

Boost your tendering confidence with Tenders Direct

Saved search filters and targeted tender alerts

Our Saved Search feature lets you create your own customised search profiles and tender alerts. Whether you want to focus on specific tenders, or ensure colleagues can effortlessly access notices relevant to their department, our Saved Search feature lets you segment your notices to meet your unique requirements.

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Saved Searches

Tenders Direct's database is the UK's most accurate, and it is all yours to explore. Whether you are researching new opportunities or filtering notices for relevance, save your search filters to effortlessly switch between frequently used searches. This is a game-changer for businesses with larger teams or a diverse service portfolio.

Targeted Alerts

Your Saved Searches can be used as the foundation for Targeted Alerts - additional email alerts for any new opportunities matching your saved filters. Targeted Alerts are especially useful for teams with multiple users, allowing you to split your notices, ensuring everyone receives the most relevant information.