Tendering Procedures: What to expect & how to prepare
In this webinar, we will look at the UK’s new tendering procedures and what you can do to improve your chances of winning contracts. Register now: Tuesday, 29 April 2025, 1 – 2pm
Normally 35 calendar days. This can be reduced to 30 days if tender responses are submitted electronically.
15 calendar days if a Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been published for at least 35 days and no longer than 12 months. The purpose of a PIN is to alert potential tenderers of forthcoming contracts which will be advertised. As prior warning of the notice has been given it is understood that a substantial reduction can be granted however to ensure this is not abused the age of the PIN is significant. An exception to this is granted to “social and other specific services” (i.e. those potentially subject to the Light Touch Regime). These types of services can apply this reduction using a PIN that was published over 12 months prior.
15 calendar days. No further reductions apply. If this procedure is being used then the contracting authority must specify in the tender itself the reason for the urgency of the procurement. This is a new procedure type under the 2015 regulations. The justification for accelerating a procedure is discussed in more detail within this blog post.
Both of these procedures have the same rules surrounding minimum timescales.
Stage 1 (pre-qualification stage)
30 calendar days. No reductions are applicable to this stage.
Sub-central contracting authorities can substitute the contract notice (this stage 1) with the publication of a PIN. This PIN must clearly state that it is the call for competition and that the buyer will be proceeding straight to the second stage. Further information on this can be found here.
Stage 2
Normally 30 calendar days. This can be reduced to 25 calendar days if tender responses are submitted electronically.
10 calendar days if a Prior Information Notice has been published for at least 35 days and no longer than 12 months. This can only be used where the stage 1 contract notice has been published. The use of a PIN as a call for competition does not qualify the stage 2 for this reduction. The purpose of a PIN is to alert potential tenderers of forthcoming contracts which will be advertised. If prior warning of the notice has been given it is understood that a substantial reduction can be granted however to ensure this is not abused the age of the PIN is significant. An exception to this is granted to “social and other specific services” (i.e. those potentially subject to the Light Touch Regime). These types of services can apply a reduction using a PIN that was published over 12 months prior.
Sub-central contracting authorities can agree any timescale with bidders and if not agreed with bidders then the buyer can set a time limit to as low as 10 calendar days.
15 calendar days. No further reductions apply. If this procedure is being used then the contracting authority must specify in the tender itself the reason for the urgency of the procurement. The justification for accelerating a procedure is discussed in more detail within this blog post.
10 calendar days. No further reductions apply. The intention to use the accelerated procedure and the justification must have been specified within the first stage advert as mentioned above.
As described in Regulation 31(2), this procurement procedure is intended for use when “an innovative product, service or works that cannot be met by (those) … already available on the market” is required.
Normally 30 calendar days. This can be reduced to 25 calendar days if tender responses submitted electronically.
10 calendar days if a Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been published for at least 35 days and no longer than 12 months. The purpose of a PIN is to alert potential tenderers of forthcoming contracts which will be advertised. As prior warning of the notice has been given it is understood that a substantial reduction can be granted however to ensure this is not abused the age of the PIN is significant. An exception to this is granted to “social and other specific services” (i.e. those potentially subject to the Light Touch Regime). These types of services can apply this reduction using a PIN that was published over 12 months prior.
Sub-central contracting authorities, can agree any timescale with bidders and if not agreed with bidders then the buyer can set a time limit to as low as 10 calendar days.
30 calendar days. No further reductions apply.
There are no explicit rules regarding the time limits for these stages.