Helping you to prepare for the Procurement Act

New tendering rules and process will be introduced in the UK on 24 Feb 2025 | Visit our Procurement Act Hub to learn about these changes, and what you can do to prepare.

Healthcare Tenders | UK & RoI

Tenders Direct is your go-to source of healthcare tenders and bid support.

Tenders Direct gives you access to every healthcare tender published in the UK and Republic of Ireland, as well as applicable OJEU notices.

Every contracting opportunity, from supplying ablation devices to providing x-ray services, can be found within our database. We guarantee you’ll never miss a Healthcare tender again.

Start searching for Healthcare Tenders on Tenders Direct

The UK Government spent over £218bn in 2020-21 on procuring healthcare-related goods and services from suppliers like you. This created over 10,000 contracts and, as many of these require multiple suppliers, it created countless new business opportunities.

Debbie Mackenzie, Managing Director, Proactis Tenders Limited